
What do you guys work for a living ? And how many death threats do you get daily? I go on unpaid work … I work so much time and so many people gave me thumbs up for my service and how nice thankful and helpful i am and so on but today it was hell XD 4 people said they would kill me and i dont even work yet for a paycheck XD Adnan_Popara might tell you more for which company i work… like his whole street internet line and TV line is fucked XD

Arsononion said in /404:

What do you guys work for a living ? And how many death threats do you get daily? I go on unpaid work … I work so much time and so many people gave me thumbs up for my service and how nice thankful and helpful i am and so on but today it was hell XD 4 people said they would kill me and i dont even work yet for a paycheck XD Adnan_Popara might tell you more for which company i work… like his whole street internet line and TV line is fucked XD

Currently I program simulations, emulations, and other training software for the Department of National Defence. I also do games on the side.

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gord0 I’d do anything if i had money do educate myself in that sector XD People and stuff which I have worked made me completely insane mate

Arsononion said in Work:

gord0 I’d do anything if i had money do educate myself in that sector XD People and stuff which I have worked made me completely insane mate

student loan ; ]

gord0 I might ask you for some tips, tricks and questions next year regarding all that you mentioned. Be prepared huehue

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gord0 That mate in my place doesn’t exists… I won so many awards in school in fields like physics, electromechanics… like beating best private school in my town three years in a row where rich people go was best feeling ever and well when i asked help to go to college I got a no :smiley: just ask Katsuo XD

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Started my second university, this time, it’s Business Informatics Engineer on correspondence training, so I go to school on the weekends. Next to this, I am spamming (or trying to) my CV, but no luck so far. I need to study at home, but usually all I notice is I played through another day. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? :smiley:

I’m Operations Manager at a company in financial services (taxes). I know little about taxes haha, but luckily I don’t need to! The people I work with are nice and do not wish to kill me. My department supports the company through analysis, training, and project management.

gord0 Yeah ask me. Because I’m gonna tell you completely the opposite that Sami said XD
There is a possibility for student loans through banks. Also, Arsononion , I told ya 5000000 times that you can sign up for software development studies without paying anything. The catch is that you will have to pay them back as soon as you get your first paycheck from a job. But noooooooooo, why would anyone listen to me. :’(


No one is ever debt free, so why bother hiding from it. : ]

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Arsononion There are a lot of schools in Hungary, where you can learn IT in English as a foreign student free or almost free :smiley: And of course not just in Hungary, but in the EU. Are you interested in studying abroad? :smiley:

ButtStallion I think it doesnt work we are not members of EU

ButtStallion He has the same thing here in Bosnia. Not only that, every diploma he gets here is certified and valid anywhere in the world. He just needs to open his eyes and search around a bit. I did that and hell, I’m so happy that I’m learning the nonsense called C# and Java.


Arsononion I just said EU, but foreign students from all over the world are coming here. Or at least I see them all the time :smiley:

blame your company xD ppl dont get mad for no reason :stuck_out_tongue: myself included haha
anyway, as soon as those bihnet fuckers show up, I’ll pay you a visit for a small chat (no death threats I swear) and to say goodbye to all of you guys working there xD btw after I sent that angry email, I received a reply asking me if the connection got better :smiley: I was so pissed off by that but I did not reply back because I know you work there now hahah

I work for a small business. We install sound systems and projectors/screens in churches, schools, theaters and other businesses. We also do surveillance systems for commercial environments. Its not a lot of pay, but it does pay bills and I like working for a small business. There are only a few of us, so we get along, and I can pretty much do what I want, as long as I do a good job. We don’t get death threats, but occasionally I think we have to keep the boss from wanting to kill customers. :smiley:

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Adnan_Popara You dont have any idea when i help someone so damn much and they call me just to curse because i fixed their problem which is old for months and i only work for 3 days kek … I helped so many people man in those three days more than whole company did in a fucking month most of them gave me calls back and rate me and chit chat I helped some dude from Cazin who has some huge business so ill ask him as soon as i can if he could hire me lol spoke with him too and when he asked my work time and how i work he was left speechless because pay is so low XD I have helped all the people i know like so much but some are just plain idiots XD

gord0 I did that once and never again XD Its easy when you have parents behind you to support you with food etc but the things is everything currently about the bills and stuff is on me

Arsononion here’s what my bottom right corner looks like after your company intervened :smiley:


Before my car accident I was a cab driver. (Injuries on the job make it so I can’t work now though)