World of tanks

I never liked the T25/2 but somehow I always did well in it. There seems to be a lot of that going around.

Todays’ video features a tale of forbidden love between OnTheFritz in the AwfulPanther and an M44 teammate he struck up a fruitful relationship with during a random battle on the Karelia map. Teamwork, kids. It’s not just for Navy recruitment commercials.

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Tank designers traditionally had to strike a balance between mobility, protection and firepower - choose two, because you can’t have all three. Unless, of course, you’re making up Soviet machines to put into World of Tanks.

Jg.Pz. IV vs M18 Hellcat Tank Wars Ranzar

He probably needs no introduction, so I won’t bother. But if watching todays video leaves you hungry for more you can check out Orzanel on Twitch at Twitch

The Hunter and the Prey Tanktoon RanZar tank animations

Teamwork - it makes the dream work. Currently a free consumable in World of Tanks. Take advantage of it now before Wargaming figure out a way to charge for it!

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Pravda, Russia for “Truth” and was also the name of the official Communist Party “newspaper”. If that’s not a contradiction in terms I don’t know what is. A bit like the Soviet attitude towards lend lease tanks like the Churchill III.

Cromwell vs Strv 74 Hellcat Tank Wars Ranzar

Gonna do some sketchy shit, doo-dah, doo-dah. Hope we get away with it, doo-di-doo-dah-day!

In which Placebo gets a bit sweaty in his badger. Sometimes these titles just write themselves.

New Threat Tanktoon RanZar

Here’s a tank that used to be all the rage but these days tends to merely be a speed bump along the road to the Object 140.

Y-Mutant RanZar Tanktoon Cartoon about tanks

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Dave’s back. And once again he’s got his work cut out for him.

It’s an older title sir, but it still checks out. Is it just me or are WOT matches getting shorter than ever?

The Skoda T-56, a tier 8 Premium Tank that never really existed but which you can buy in World of Tanks for the cost of an entire full price PC game. Worth it?

Emergency Case RanZar Tanktoon Cartoon about tanks

We have a saying in English - You can’t make a silk purse out of a pigs’ ear. The ARL V39 is a pigs’ ear, and ToastyTurtl3 is going to have a damn good stab at making a silk purse out of it.

The clickbait is real in todays’ thumbnail! Just what exactly does it take to get a Mark of Mastery on a Tier 10 medium these days?