World of Warships

In which DDMafiaAssociateMember takes the new Italian Destroyers out for a spin and finds that what sucks on paper doesn’t necessarily suck in practice. And makes a few offers you can’t refuse.

Back In The Saddle

Two battles today, neither of which could make the cut for their own video but which complement each other perfectly well side by side.

It’s back! Although not in the form that you may have been expecting.

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How many kills can you get in a tier 7 Ranked Battle? Yes.

Try Hard? A Game of Throws? Honestly, this one could have been either. You be the judge.


Todays’ video stars the incredibly appropriately named “DontLetMeWin”. They can’t say he didn’t warn them.

I can’t even begin to explain what happened in this match. You guys try to figure it out.

From The Jaws of Defeat

Q. Just how fast is it possible for a the French cruiser Condé to go?
A. Yes.

DO NOT OPEN WORLD OF WARSHIPS REPLAYS! This is important, there’s a huge vulnerability at the moment that allows hackers to insert instructions into replay files that allow them to do whatever they want to your PC.

So, at what point did the throw occur during this particular battle? Curious to see what you all think.

Is it still stupid, or did you just get lucky? You be the judge.

Right Turn, Clyde

In which Aetam finds himself in an episode of A Game of Throws thanks to his good friend Mac.

I’m not going to lie, this players’ name was definitely a factor in my choosing to check out his replay!

In which Dr.Rabbit takes the Nelski out for a spin and plays his best game ever.

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USS Austin, the capital of the great state of Texas. Most Texans believe Texas should be its own country. Most other Americans wish they were! MalteseKnight doesn’t have an opinion either way, but he does love the ship named after the state capital.

At least one person in this battle thinks that Divine Intervention is the only reason this battle plays out the way it does, and when you see what happens to Angry_Blades in the Caracciolo, you might actually agree.

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