World of Warships

It does say… WoWs, not WoW :rofl:

A ship’s gotta do what a ship’s gotta do. And sometimes what a ship’s gotta do is RUN AWAY! The problem is that most players have no idea when that time has come…

In which the suspiciously German-sounding “SirBratwurst” takes Her Majesty’s Ship Warspite to sea and proceeds to give Johnny Foreigner a damn good spanking.

Never in the field of human conflict have so many refused so hard to be carried by so few. If Wargaming and World of Warships lasts a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour”.

  • Winston Churchill 1940

So just exactly how far can pure dumb luck carry you in a game of World of Warships? Daygoon is about to put that to the test.

Ckickbait headlines work for the Daily Mail so they should damn well work for me. Although perhaps I don’t really want to be compared to a tabloid so-called “newspaper” that relies on peddling fear and ignorance to push sales. Oh well. Too late.

Extra! If you title your video “Ban This Sick Filth”, YouTube helpfully suggests additional tags you may like to add. Among the suggestions: “Trump” and “Fox News”.

Who’d have guessed?

The tier 8 Japanese Destroyer, not the 8 month old cat. One is infinitely more sneaky, dangerous and fluffy than the other.

Because “It’s Kleberin’ time!” doesn’t have the same ring to it and the Fantastic Four movies were so bad they probably won’t sue me for taking The Thing’s catchphrase and are probably just happy for the exposure.

Just exactly how much ass is going to be kicked in today’s battle. Approximately all of it!

Yeah, I know I’ve used this title before, but that was on a video I didn’t realise I’d already commented on, and damn it, this title’s too good to go to waste!

I see what you did with your name there. Clever!

Todays’ battle is all about the ending, an ending so close you couldn’t squeeze a hair between the two teams. Place your bets now, which team will win?

So what do get when a WoWs Community Contributor on an anonymous press account who happens to be ranked third best player on the RU server takes to the sea in the USS Benham? Watch and find out.

So the Matchmaker dumped you at the bottom end of the feeding chain again? You have two options - cry like a girl*, or bite back.

Triple the action at the same low, low cost! With CRAZY deals like these it’s a wonder I can stay in business!

Save USS Batfish! - A Special Message

They call him Destroyer Hayashimo, except he’s not a Destroyer, even if he is a destroyer and his name’s not Hayashimo. Yeah, I’m probably over-explaining this…

Sacre bleu, mes amis! C’est les enfants terribles! And now that we’ve completely exhausted my colloquial French, let’s get on with the shooty boats!

The Dockyard Dandy was navy slang for the “Navy News” newspaper, and since this is news about a Navy and it takes place inside a dockyard, it seemed reasonably appropriate.

The day after the announcement of Pan-European Destroyers in World of Warships, what better than to watch a battle featuring an American cruiser