World of Warships

And the prize for least imaginative video title on the subject of USS Georgia this week goes to The Mighty Jingles!

Watch out, Ze Germans are coming! For you, Tommy, ze war is over! Also in this episode - “How To Yoshino”. You’re welcome.

Some teams just don’t want to win. Sometimes they have to be dragged kicking and screaming over the finish line.

In which NA Server Community Contributor, Army veteran and all-round good egg and snappy dresser No Zoup For You has to go above and beyond the call of duty in a ranked match…

No, it’s not that there’s an official summer event coming to World of Warships (that I know of) but summer is here, which means school holidays, which means… well, you know what that means.

I love featuring lower tier matches but the gameplay often resembles a trainwreck and I feel a bit guilty for laughing at the newbies’ terrible decisions. Hmm, how can I justify being such a bad person…

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In which Marf1007 takes a tier 6 Guepard with no smokescreen and worst in class stealth into a tier 8 battle with a carrier on the enemy team, and that’s not even the suicidal part…

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Will anyone under the age of 40 even get this Superman reference? No! It’s a radar Minotaur!

In which WombatWarriorHuN sails forth in the best ship in World of Warships (but with a highly treasonous camo scheme) to show Johnny Foreigner not to mess with the Royal Navy!

A Man Called Dave

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to carry the uncarryable to a victory of any kind in the current operation of the week.

Sometimes you just need to trust your instincts even when common sense is yelling at you to get the hell out of there. And sometimes, your instincts tell dirty great big fat lies.

With the introduction of the Research Bureau we’re seeing more players in low tier games regrinding their way up the national tech trees, and when you get a few of those on each team, suddenly low tier games become a lot more interesting to watch.

Sometimes, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. And today a man’s gotta wipe out almost the entire the enemy team because no-one else can be bothered.

What has no torpedoes, is pretty slow and only has two gun turrets? if you answered “The Japanese tier 2 Battleship Mikasa”, congratulations, you’re a ship nerd. But if you answered “The premium tier 9 destroyer HNLMS Friesland”, you’re not wrong either. And you’re probably Dutch.

In which Thundershark1 kills every single player on the enemy team. That may, however, not be quite as impressive as it sounds when you see it…

In which Jbm1972 takes the tier 5 premium Kamikaze out for a spin and I examine not just the ship, but also the reason why overpowered premiums like it still exist years after they’re introduced.

In which I try to turn the title into a bad pun around Ruen1991’s name, and then barely a minute into the video give up and just fall back on one of my tired old Australian gags instead, ensuring that the title now barely makes ANY sense.

Codes for WoWs anniversary:

It’s not World of Warcraft’s anniversary :thinking: