I don’t want to short change you though, that would not be very honorable of me.
It’s really not that much. 25€ is 28$. Don’t bother. Really. I don’t mind.
Alright. I am going to go play it now and hope this headache lets off so I can. Thanks again.
@Zmajuga buy me my entire wishlist. I’m also accepting euro steam gift cards. Physical or digital. Even spiritual, as long as I see the digits on my steam wallet.
@Zmajuga is such a sweetie pie
Just my luck, when I die and my name is diealot for a reason it blackscreens on my, I have a little showing on sides and I have audio but am stuck replaying the same parts over and over again.
I have gone through and verified integrity of game cache, reloaded the game, tried it with different graphics settings and it will still not work. This is what I see. U did send a ticket to Telltale Games but I doubt that will do me any good. I tried to look it up but everything has spoilers so I back out of all of them though I have not found this issue.
You mentioned earlier you had security software issues. Have you tried with security disabled?
Um no, never disable my security, I did add Steam to the exceptions file though. I wish there was a way to set it back to default.
If you’re paranoid, you can unplug your internet and then disable it. It’s more so to just eliminate possibilities.
My biggest problem is I do not know what I am doing. I think I changed some things but don’t remember what.
You could uninstall and reinstall the security…that should* restore defaults…or maybe just type in the name of the security software into google followed by “reset to defaults”.
I guess you can’t do that with Windows 10 or so I was told by Microsoft, they said I would have to do a whole new install. It looks like every time I want to play a game I am going to have to add it to allowed apps.
So you’re using built in windows security?
ew… I don’t know if the security is the cause of your current problem, but when you get a chance you should install some real security and turn off all the windows security stuff.
When I can. Any suggestions?
I’m not up to date on the free options, but I i’ve been using eset smart security (eset.com) for the longest time. On Windows, Linux, OSX, and Android. I imagine some of the other peeps on the forum are familiar with the other options.
I have no problem with paying, I am just looking to get one that does well and has a gamers mode which I have seen with some but do not recall which.
With eset you can just keep all the default settings and the only thing I do is add the steam/origin/other game folders to the anti virus exclude list. Whatever option you do chose, make sure to turn off the windows crap before installing so it doesn’t interfere with the installation of the security software.