The storage only costs $5 a month up to 250 GB, so we have a bit before we get there.
Can you tell me how much you pay monthly for all of this?
I actually LOWERED my cost by moving to this. I had another thing that was $49 a month I got rid of.
Let’s see, monthly it is:
$10 – DigitalOcean server (main box hosting things)
$5 – DigitalOcean Spaces (hosts images now)
$10 – Cloudflare CDN stuff
Then $12 a year for the domain name.
Good to know. I’ll probably soon give some money to make your life easier. Sucks that you are paying for all of this on your own.
No worries, I’m happy to do so. I’m lucky enough that it isn’t a burden by any means to pay for. It also gives me an excuse to tinker with things like web servers and hosting
I’d rather you donate money to charity instead. So if you were going to give money to me, donate it to something like AbleGamers.
Likewise, @Katsuo, you can donate the money to me.
Why not both mmmm
Likewise, @Katsuo, you can donate the money to me.
Never :*
A post was split to a new topic: “first quote” badge appearing more than once
I made another change that should make things faster again. Basically just tweaking how long Cloudflare keeps images in their edge network.
I want the count of Cached Requests to go higher!
Awesome, the change I made is working. Images are being cached in Cloudflare for one week now. You can see the higher counts of cached requests.
Upgraded Discourse.