August 2018 -- Changelog

The storage only costs $5 a month up to 250 GB, so we have a bit before we get there.

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Can you tell me how much you pay monthly for all of this?

I actually LOWERED my cost by moving to this. I had another thing that was $49 a month I got rid of.

Let’s see, monthly it is:
$10 – DigitalOcean server (main box hosting things)
$5 – DigitalOcean Spaces (hosts images now)
$10 – Cloudflare CDN stuff

Then $12 a year for the domain name.

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Good to know. I’ll probably soon give some money to make your life easier. Sucks that you are paying for all of this on your own.

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No worries, I’m happy to do so. I’m lucky enough that it isn’t a burden by any means to pay for. It also gives me an excuse to tinker with things like web servers and hosting :smiley:

I’d rather you donate money to charity instead. So if you were going to give money to me, donate it to something like AbleGamers.


Likewise, @Katsuo, you can donate the money to me.

Why not both mmmm

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Never :*

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A post was split to a new topic: “first quote” badge appearing more than once

I made another change that should make things faster again. Basically just tweaking how long Cloudflare keeps images in their edge network.

I want the count of Cached Requests to go higher!

Awesome, the change I made is working. Images are being cached in Cloudflare for one week now. You can see the higher counts of cached requests.

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Upgraded Discourse.