Blue Reflection -- Second Light

I played the first game 4 years ago (Blue Reflection), it’s more of the same-ish… ish… It’s not a persona 5 knock off anymore. It’s it’s own thing and I love it. There’s so much I refuse to say solely because I want you to experience it yourself. I’ve been playing it for a few days now. It carries on the mechanics from the first, but changes them quite a lot. I’m mad at myself. Last night I accidentally left the game on overnight… so my final play time will be off by <= 1 day. It’s really good but if you don’t play the prev game you’ll be super confused. I will post more later.

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I will play them both 100%, especially now that Crunchyroll started to bombard me with Blue Reflection ads. Seems like the Blue Reflection games are really popular in Korea and Japan.

Just beat it! Worth every penny! DO NOT PLAY THIS UNLESS YOU PLAYED THE FIRST ONE!

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