Breath Of The Wild

So much so that I’m now only going to play Mobius Final Fantasy on weekends to maximize after work game time!

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fanboy detected^

Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

fanboy detected^

gord0 I’ve never played any zelda games so I don’t really know what that is. Zelda logo thing something?

Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

gord0 I’ve never played any zelda games so I don’t really know what that is. Zelda logo thing something?

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Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

I’m on data so I’ll watch later, but what hardware is needed?

Oh did the patches sort out your framerate?

gord0 Some say a GTX 970 and i5 6600k will be enough to run the game at 4k30. I started downloading the patch since it’s 3GB big so I will let you know if it’s yay or nay.

gord0 Okaaaaaaaaaay, I got 12 more fps to a total of whooping 20 fps (in menus I get more than 35 fps) XD
But I don’t think my PC can handle the emulator yet. I’ll try overclocking my GPU and CPU later on to see if it’s any better.

Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

gord0 Okaaaaaaaaaay, I got 12 more fps to a total of whooping 20 fps (in menus I get more than 35 fps) XD
But I don’t think my PC can handle the emulator yet. I’ll try overclocking my GPU and CPU later on to see if it’s any better.

I wouldn’t play if you can’t get a stable 30.

gord0 And I won’t haha
I’ll play it when I upgrade my PC in 70 years or get a switch in 200 years.

Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

What’s the point of uploading a video claimed to be 4k at 1080p? I was gonna watch it at 1440p…oh well.

gord0 It was on 4k. But I guess, youtube is being youtube and removed the option or something.
And I played the game a bit. ITS SO GOOD. I killed 2 furry dudes with a rock by rolling it down the hill. It was soooooooo satisfying.

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Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

gord0 It was on 4k. But I guess, youtube is being youtube and removed the option or something.
And I played the game a bit. ITS SO GOOD. I killed 2 furry dudes with a rock by rolling it down the hill. It was soooooooo satisfying.


I highly discourage playing at 20fps though.

gord0 It was 11fps at that moment XD

Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

gord0 It was 11fps at that moment XD

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gord0 You are just jelly because I can play games at extreme levels of low framerate without getting my eyes raped muehuehuehue

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gord0 I play Arma 3 with 13 FPS on 100 Players server and i’m cool with it. It’s such a satisfying feeling to kill a whole enemy squad with such fps

Arsononion said in Breath Of The Wild:

gord0 I play Arma 3 with 13 FPS on 100 Players server and i’m cool with it. It’s such a satisfying feeling to kill a whole enemy squad with such fps

Katsuo said in Breath Of The Wild:

gord0 You are just jelly because I can play games at extreme levels of low framerate without getting my eyes raped muehuehuehue

Wait a minute… what res are you playing at?