My account was hacked then i changed my id pass of everything. Everything is under control now. but now i cant access to my account cause i need 2FA which i dont have. i tried to email facebook support but no response.
there was another way to verify myself to login but i have to provide NID or other certificates. Problem is my name and birth date on facebook is not as same as on those papers. so i am lost brothers and sisters please someone help me to figure this out
also i really dont understand why would someone hack my account there is no money information there or i dont have any online money either. i really dont understand guys. i have using this account since 2008 so many memories are there. i am extremely depressed for this guys really not doing good here. All important moments photos were there
ik you guys dont use/like facebook. its not just you guys i think mostly from south asian use facebook
Good luck, My wife had a issue where her account got flagged for deletion because facebook said she was against the TOS which she was not. Then when she tried to get whole of them for months to get it over turned, they did nothing…would not even review it or anything when she asked… so she lost her account which had pictures and stuff on it and she couldnt even get into it to save anything.
thanks everyone for kind words. that really warms my heart.
and its not just Facebook. i got hacked on Instagram too (idc about that place cause i dont use it) and someone is trying to access my steam account but steam authenticator is really good i suppose then cant change anything in steam. but idk why all this happening and how. and yes i changed all email address and passwords…