E3 stuff

Post things here spam and stuff XD I want new Star Wars


I want to Maul dem enemies kek

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But to be honest, I’m waiting for Sony and their games. If they reveal Bloodborne 2, I won’t care about any other game from E3. Except maybe a little Destiny 2 but I’m getting that game anyway soooo

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Katsuo I’m waiting for God of war and Call of duty WWII and some new Bethesda stuff to see if the leaks are correct

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Arsononion oh yesh god of war…but that’ll be like 2020 or something lol

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I’m not even bothering with e3. I’ll just let youtube and general social media let me know the things worth a fuck.


I want them to announce that every game I want has been delayed 5 years.

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ShiftySatchmo no

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ShiftySatchmo I want that too Xd

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OMG, this looks awesome. I didnt liked the first one but this is like a remastered Battlefront 2. I want galactic conquest and the game for free.


ButtStallion buy me papi its my bday soon XD

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Arsononion haha yeah, me too ButtStallion !!! XD \o/

ShiftySatchmo i lied my birthday passed :confused: gotta wait till the next year

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Arsononion I never know when your birthday is

ShiftySatchmo when you tell me yours ill tell you mine XD

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ShiftySatchmo His bday is next month

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I don’t remember why, but this was funny during e3 2013:

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gord0 I think it has to do with how XB1 launched with some garbage. Remember you couldn’t share games with other people? Like the disk itself even. So PS4 did a bit that was like how to share a game and they just handed the game over.

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ShiftySatchmo said in E3 stuff:

gord0 I think it has to do with how XB1 launched with some garbage. Remember you couldn’t share games with other people? Like the disk itself even. So PS4 did a bit that was like how to share a game and they just handed the game over.

and probly all the tv stuff too