Epic Store and all about it

Let me know when Sekiro is free


You still wouldn’t play it


Well yeah because…epic store ewwww

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Same crap as steam

Screw them both and give me PS5

Screw them all and give me time

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For the small price of around 60 million dollars Canadian I will exclusively play games on the epic games store! Someone let Epic know about my offer.

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“If Steam committed to a permanent 88% revenue share for all developers and publishers without major strings attached, Epic would hastily organise a retreat from exclusives (while honouring our partner commitments) and consider putting our own games on Steam,” - Epic CEO Tim Sweeney

wow, your move Steam.

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I’m cool with what EPIC is doing, but what they’re doing is getting market share. Tempting developers with 88:12 and ransoming exclusives IS their entire business model. Those are very empty words based on him knowing Steam likely won’t. And also why he attached all sorts of caveats to the statement afterwards*. I appreciate the freebies, and don’t mind another launcher. But yeah, hot air. They’re just after market share, nothing more.


I miss Cliffy B

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Woohoo more skins


Fortnite skins for everyone. XD

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Pretty sure they’ll make a UT rocket league expansion. Twisted metal woooohooo


Now Twitsted Metal I would like.

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Came back home from work. Turned on my PC. Opened Facebook. Saw a post about Epic buying Psyonix. Read the comments. Laughed like nuts.

Ah dem Steam fanboys.

“Epic doesn’t want a fair market, Epic wants a monopoly”

“People need to seriously boycot this sort of behaviour, steam did not build a platform and fanbase with underhand tactics, and I just hope the community sees through epics bs , Jesus epics making EA look good.”

“Epic is literally acting like cancer. Subsuming everything and eventually corrupting it or killing it.”

This is really funny. :smile:


I seen that as well I am chuckling my ass off!

I just hope they make a VR headset next year!


Or RL Skins available for Vbucks!! :smiley:

You’re late. There’s a store with the latest patch. You can already buy them. XD