American Nightmare and Rebel Galaxy
ShiftySatchmo Only if you buy over 15 usd
ButtStallion don’t be cheap
ShiftySatchmo Then buy all 4 deponia point&click adventures for 20 bucks and get both
Who wants a copy of Rebel Galaxy on GOG? I purchased Hard West, to cl;ear it finally form my wishlist & got my free copy. As I already have it on Steam I’m offering it here if anyone wants it? Needs to be redeemed by 27th June.
Last Time to BUMP - can’t give it away so far to any of my friends either… Rebel Galaxy on GoG redeem by the 27th, otherwise it’ll just get added to my GoG collection as a DRM free version.
I have it on Steam
ButtStallion same… just trying to share the love… why won’t anyone take my love?
my dirty, tainted, desperate love.
Sgt_T8ie If it will help you feel loved… I will take it though I have no idea when ill get to playing it
Gorkie Done. will PM code.
Thanks! Registered and soon as I have more time ill get to playing it
Shadow Warrior 2 free on GOG.
SOMA is free on GOG for 2 days.
Fantastic game
i really love that game and there’s a miniseries on youtube from that universe, a few short videos tho dont know if its correct to call them miniseries but fuck it.
Thanks for the heads up, i remember playing this game on my phone and i actually like it
Wasteland 2 is free to kick off their Winter Sale.
GOG is trying to keep people at home, so here’s 27 free games to pass the time.
The complete list:
- Akalabeth: World of Doom
- Alder’s Blood Prologue
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Bio Menace
- Builders of Egypt: Prologue
- Doomdark’s Revenge
- Eschalon: Book I.
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
- Hello Neighbor (Alpha Version)
- Jill of the Jungle: The Complete Trilogy
- Legend of Keepers: Prologue
- The Lords of Midnight
- Lure of the Temptress
- Overload (Playable Teaser)
- POSTAL: Classic and Uncut
- Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
- Shadow Warrior Classic Complete
- Stargunner
- Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius
- Teenagent
- Treasure Adventure Game
- Tyrian 2000
- Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
- Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
- Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire
Also there are some The Witcher goodies for free