Halo games coming to Steam (including Reach)

They could have at least made the cutscenes not look broken. It’s one of the main complaints on steam forums.

I mean a remaster isn’t a remake. Though marketing teams seem to use them interchangeably too often.

Speak of the devil. Normally I refuse to play sequels back to back to avoid burn out, but I’m tempted. Close to the end of CE.

But you are already playing a sequel. CE is a sequel.

Same franchise w/e

Just beat it! Pretty good, but they really shit the bed on the cut scenes. Recommended still.

Just started Halo 2. Pretty good so far. The higher poly models are much welcomed in contrast to CE. They don’t seem to have any in-engine cut scenes so they may or may not have fixed the animation issue. Also still running at max settings at 2880p>60 (dsr 1440p, usually >80). Will post more later!


Don’t look unless you’ve already beat Halo 2…but there is some urgency in my question.


Does halo 2 not have an ending?

REad the bookssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Not happening lol. I read enough just going about daily internet things, not gonna wast free time on reading.

Speaking of reading, I triggered a hardcore xbox fanboi:

Start from the first post.

I’d rather spend a week reading the books than reading anything from that cancer steam discussions section ever. The last 2 times I’ve asked something there, my questions were so negatively answered, that I just gave up on the game and watched the endings on Youtube instead. Steam is filled with nothing but a bunch of kids who think they’ve deserved anything in their lives.

Read the books. This is the definition of a story arc nowadays. Never played Halo 2, maybe this was the first gem to practice this principle :smiley: ( And yes you fcuking Star Wars I read almost every book, that doesnt make the new trilogy any better than a puke)

You should still read it. It’s funny and not too long of a thread.

Books haven’t interested me in a long time. I’d rather be in control than read about someone else who’s in control. One-way media is for bed time and smoke breaks, and for me, that’s video.

I just wanted to say I am starting to get sick of this “read the books” explanation if there is a question in a movie, in a game, or even a board game. Books and games are just expanding the already existing universe but that doesnt mean i have to know everything from every possible source to know the meaning of the story. If i am playing a game, the game should have a beginning and and ending just like a book. What is next? Playing a game, loading screen appears and says open the book on page 134 for additional intel? But after the last Deus Ex’s ending I let it go. They say video games are art but sometimes it feels that art was painted by a child with his own hands while having a stroke.


Just started Halo 3. I don’t remember what Halo 2 looked like, but this is probably the same except the cut scenes are in-engine and don’t look like ass. 3 games in and they figured out cut scenes. Yay! Pretty fun so far but the floaty jumping is fucking stupid and makes it feel like jank. Not having a sprint button is also shit. Your one speed is slow. Still fairly fun.

Still running at 2880p(dsr 1440p) max settings except this time my fps are inbetween 130 and 250. Probably due to the upgrade to 2080ti. Will post more later!


Here’s a scientific answer to the floaty jumping. The gravity on the planet you are on is shit. And everything that’s not organic is floating. BOOM!

Also left shift deploys whatever contraption you have selected. So I’m accidentally deploying shields or shield drainers when I instinctively try to sprint.

I think that’s the default key in all Halo games. I remember it being the same in the second Halo. Kinda sucks.