Jedi Fallen Order

Your normal difficulty of easy?

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PS: @teh_g why didn’t you buy it for me twice yet?

I wanted to buy it for you but I remember you saying you’ll play it through EA access.

Haha yeah, someday. Some… day…

I can if you want it for your birthday.

Never. I demand something surprisingly shocking (nothing)

Quietly removes from wishlist…

Don’t make me click an ign link. What’s the bad part aside from EA being the publisher?

I love this. Gonna replay it sooooooooooooooooooooooo badly

Haha no bad part. It’s going to be on Xbox Game Pass (PC too) which means I don’t have to pay for it since I have like three years of Game Pass.

I mistook your “removing from wishlist” as a negative. At the time of typing, it’s an actual game! Recommended.

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Ah, I get that interpretation. I just didn’t want @teh_g buying it for me like a sweetie

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That explains why it wasn’t there when I went to play it a couple weeks ago.

I kinda wanted to try JFO on PC too but couldn’t see the EA play anything on game pass. Meh, I paused the subscription until I beat all playstation games I bought. Will take a while until I resub again.