Playstation 5

Looks don’t really mean a ton, but it looks slick and fits the PS5 aesthetic well. If it doesn’t cost more than my PS5 did, I’m still thinking this is the direction I’m going for my next VR.

Im gonna buy it just to wear it like a bag. Sexy

I’m curious if they’ll port their VR stuff to PC ever. A few like Moss were dual release.

Im not sure hows that gonna work on pc. Hell I don’t even know how are PS4vr games gonna work on PS5. I believe the games use the blue light to track the movement of your head or something. Maybe I’m wrong…

Yeah, people have been starting to murmur and worry about backwards compatibility from PSVR2 since they still haven’t said anything about it. Would be pretty bad if it isn’t backwards compatible with how many VR games they’ve given away on PS+.

Ghost Runner was good if you haven’t played it

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Well, nothing for me this month

I already beat Team Sonic on PC and thought it was average but I’m stupid and will probably play it again.

I played everything from the listtttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Ill probably play GoT Legends if it has a separate trophy list. Ghostrunner is great but I dont know if I want to play it again.

Guess the grind on GT7 is predatory (you can buy credits with real world money) and their servers were down over the weekend when single player is always online. People are review bombing it on Metacritic. Guess updates have nerf’d how much credits you earn too. And they added two more max cost cars. I don’t mind a grind, but I guess it’s around double the grind of GTSport plus you’ll be spending more time not racing since it has all the extra stuff of a full GT game. Good thing I decided to skip it since I still have grind left of GTSport. :man_shrugging:


The last gt I actually enjoyed was on ps2. They need to scrap their engine and fuck off with mtx. It’s supposed to be a flag ship first party title…but it’s an easily ignorable bitch tier product.


Good to know but too bad because I was considering it. The last one I played was part 2 haha. I loved it and I have it still so maybe I’ll dust off my PS One.

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I have the game and it’s really damn good. Literally every part of the game is fantastic and it would be a great GOTY…IF they removed the microtransactions and online only bullshit.

I got the game relatively early and I’m about 20ish hours in. Visually the game is amazing, the sim part is top notch and the sense of speed is exactly where it needs to be. Too bad they ruined it with their greedy ass nonsense and have driven what could’ve been the best racing game in a long time to one of the biggest bullshittery I’ve seen in a while.

The microtransactions in GT7 are worse than in all EA games combined. If you want to buy the most expensive car in the game, with in game money, you’ll have to race around 500 times and be on at least top 3. Or you can just spend around 100 euros to get it. That’s how bad it is. Such a shame…

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That’s insane. I’m at 90hrs on GTSport with 250~ single player victories and maybe like 25 online races. And I’ve earned around 30mil credits and have always been able to buy a car I need for the next class of racing in the single player. I could have more credits if I was doing only the higher prized races too. To think I’d have to more than double that effort for far less credits in GT7? Plus I’d be spending more time not racing because of all the sim stuff. That is just silly.

Edit: I guess in fairness I have also gotten bonus credits on top of that 30mil prize credits. Stuff like achievements and level ups. Which I would hope GT7 has that stuff too. But still. For prize/race winnings to be around half while car prices are mostly the same is absurd. And obviously done to try to force microtransactions.

Yeah there are some kind of bonus drops. You can get a car, car part or money from the missions (not races). The rewards are only good if you get anything but money. Money rewards are straight up insulting and thats literally what you’re going to get. The game is unfortunately designed around microtransactions and I’m not sure if they’ll ever fix it.

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Two million credits cost players $19.99 on the PlayStation Store, meaning a car valued at 18 million in-game credits will run players $180 to bypass the grind.

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Haha gross

Seems they have succumb to the pressure. Increasing payouts in a lot of ways and making more ways to get credits. And 1mil for any current player. If they do everything they say here, it’ll be far more acceptable of a grind. I mean, you gotta still have one after all. Shame it took them getting yelled at by a mob to get it right though;

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Now I can actually play it