Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

I’m so close to beating this after a year and a half. It unfortunately on again off again captures me. Nothing really against the game, just lose interest here and there. But with 60 hours invested I know I’m about there.

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Repetitive levels get boring even with different missions. Unfortunately, I must grind levels to be able to progress the game. Otherwise I would skip them.

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It’s that long?! Good gravy

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People don’t use “good gravy” enough these days.

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It would be much longer if I didnt start skipping side missions

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I want to play it enough that I won’t cry. I don’t have time for that but I guess I’ll make time while I wait to get sekiro

You dont have to do the side missions a ton. I did them when I was hooked on the game.

So far this is still the only game to drag me away from VR. I got lost and did a bunch of stuff I wasn’t suppose to do yet. There was so many branching paths and I didn’t know which way was the right way. Then I did so much stuff going down the wrong path that I totally forgot the correct path even existed lol.

That’s the best I can explain that without spoiling anything in the game. Got 3 bosses under my belt and I still can’t decide if this game is harder or easier than the soulborne games. Definitely enjoying the :poop: out of it.


Sounds like it is fun. Maybe some day.

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The level design is one of the best things about fromsoftware

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And the grappling hook takes it to a whole new level

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The sunken valley is the most labyrinth like area that seems huge at first because of how much verticality it has. But yeah like every fromsoft game before it. The level design is on point.

Even the scrubs like it.

Nice try to spoil us the game. We’ll never watch the video.


You got me!


That’s awesome. Looks like I’ll have to finally learn how to read.


I’ve only played this for an hour but it’s awesome and you should buy it.

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No you.

He said he’s gonna buy it for me on launch day and he never did.

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