Star Wars Battlefront II

Wish I had the funds but nephew’s CHRISTmas gifts come first. (Their father is a waste of space and does not get them much, it is on their who is also disabled, aunt and myself to get for them) Also one nephew’s birthday is 2 days after CHRISTmas and everybody shafts him on gifts so I go a little crazy for him as I have a birthday in January and I always got shafted because everybody was getting their bills in from CHRISTmas and would not get me much while my sisters that had summer birthdays always got great stuff.


this is so fun

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katsuo they were brave enough to do an AMA on reddit yesterday :smiley: I haven’t seen the comments but I can imagine how it went haha

adnan_popara Pretty much every single comment was massively downvoted haha

katsuo this is both hilarious and sad at the same time :smiley:

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There’s a tiny chance the game can be unfucked. Microtransactions offline. Claim they are going to rebalance. It’s a good thing I wasn’t planning on trying this game for quite a while. We’ll soon see if they’re going to unfuck the game or refuck the game.

gord0 eh, it sounded like the actual game itself isn’t that great anyway

shiftysatchmo said in Star Wars Battlefront II:

gord0 eh, it sounded like the actual game itself isn’t that great anyway

Still has a chance if they rebalance to focus on gameplay instead of money. For me, I was never going to play mp anyway.

gord0 I mean the campaign didn’t sound great. But I guess you don’t know until you try. You could always just get EA access for a month and give them $5 instead of $60.

shiftysatchmo Or you could not give them anything and buy yourself a better game! That works too!

I’m gonna see what they do to rebalance. If they’re still cunts I’ll pirate and play campaign. If they’re not cunts I’ll 5 bucks for the campaign.

Actually… does EA access let you play the full campaign?

gord0 It’s not yet on EA Access yet but yeah, you can play the campaign

katsuo said in Star Wars Battlefront II:

gord0 It’s not yet on EA Access yet but yeah, you can play the campaign

The whole thing?

gord0 once it is on access, yes.