Steam Deck

I hate it


Does this mean I can play Lost Ark now on Steam Deck?

Windows isn’t always better…… - YouTube

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it doesnt

Who cares about the Windows stuff… The way he described his Horizon play experience (on Steam OS) is the more important part of that video. That doesn’t sound like fun.

I’m not chiseling anything in stone until the day the email shows up. But I’m starting to lean more towards passing up on the thing. :open_mouth:

yeah? how come?

Just having a harder time imagining myself using it enough. Whatever “enough” is. Guess the excitement of it being new-new has worn off as well. Nothing in the way way too many reviews I’ve been watching has jumped out at me. Just being cheap I guess too! Haha. If I could’ve switched to 256 or 64, I would’ve. I’ll see what happens when the email comes in the next few months or so.

I think the deck needs more time to cook. I feel like steamOS is not ready yet. Every single review is saying that the Steam Deck has potential to be great but has a lot of flaws. It’s either I’m getting a finished, actually usable product or I’m not getting anything and right now, Steam Deck doesn’t seem to be a finished product at all. I’ll leave the reservation thing for another month or two but right now, I’m fairly sure I won’t be getting it.

I guess I can save up the 550 bucks for a PSVR2 heheehehehhee

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I’m not super worried about the “plug n’ play” experience eventually getting there. Or rather “power on n’ game” experience. But it is pretty clear there are indeed a lot of rough edges still. I want to be gaming on the thing 95+ % of the time, and only fiddling with things once in awhile. It probably isn’t quite there yet.

I mostly just want to play some games I know will run fine on it that I keep not getting around to. Like Hollow Knight, for example. The Steam Deck seems like it would be great to just rip through a bunch of 2D games I have been meaning to play. Can do it easily when I’m on work trips and stuff without having to lug around my personal laptop.


Goes for any device really when you start messing with high powered USB chargers and stuff. But it seems some third party docks are bricking Decks. Guess the most common issue is they get put into a mode where they no longer recognize/communicate power delivery and stop being able to charge. Some people have successfully gotten out of it after help from Valve, but others have had to send theirs in.


The same thing happened with the Switch.

It is the bad thing about USB C. There is kind of a standard but not all standards are standardized the same.

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I wouldn’t dock the deck anyway because I have a real computer

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Mickeyflames? I like it

I think I was drunk or in some kind of emo phase when I made the account 850 years ago