Since we are adding friends … I would like to have few more friends on Origin, GoG and uPlay … so fell free to add me …
GoG : MARK1411P
Origin: Mark141197
uPlay : markP1a
Steam : marko
Since we are adding friends … I would like to have few more friends on Origin, GoG and uPlay … so fell free to add me …
GoG : MARK1411P
Origin: Mark141197
uPlay : markP1a
Steam : marko
Steam = Cpt_Obvious
UPLAY = SgtT8ie
Origin = dcaffein8
Also sent out a mass amount of Steam friend requests. I understand if you say no.
Sgt_T8ie I accepted and am confused that we weren’t already friends on there!
ShiftySatchmo I think that we were, but you probably went through a purge at some stage & I was caught out.
Sgt_T8ie said in Tell me your Steam/Origin/
ShiftySatchmo I think that we were, but you probably went through a purge at some stage & I was caught out.
Haha that’s why I use aliases now in steam so I can plug in real names
GorkieX On Uplay, Arsynion207 on GoG, [GX} Gorkie on Steam, Gorkie#1644 on Battlenet, GorkieX on Origin. You can thank Sammy for the GoG name he gave me the account with Witcher 3 on it back when we were all on the other site
Gorkie haha I thought it said Arsononion
Pinning this. I might even clean up some of the conversations in here to keep it nice and clean
Also moved it to Gaming so I could make it more hidden than the General section.
Steam: teh g
Blizzard: tehg#1249
Origin: tehspaceg
Uplay: tehspaceg
XBL: teh g
PSN: teh_g
Steam page is in my signature down there. But I usually don’t add people and when I do I eventually delete them. I just don’t really play anything multiplayer and don’t like messy lists. Nothing personal. :shrug:
Edit: I gave up on deleting people and just turned notifications off. Feel free to add, but again, don’t really do MP.
schlitty Added you, I wont forgive if you delete me
schlitty We can play F1 2013
Here we go, plz feel free to add me
Steam: Picketech
Battlenet: Picke#1393
Origin: Picketech
Uplay: Picketech
Uh lets see…
Steam is Ub6
UPlay and Origin is Ub6ix
Everything is basically tat2teel
Because, well… I’m tat2teel
Steam, GOG & UPlay: Trainsmash
Steam, Uplay, Origin: GorkieX
Gog: Arsynion0207
Battlenet: Skyam#11430
Steam/Origin/Uplay/GoG : LarryDarren : : BaconStrips#1498 :
Steam : [BPN] Sir-diealot |Zulu|
Origin : Sir_diealot_Zulu
Uplay : Sir-diealot