World of tanks

The Little Tank That Could

You’d be amazed at the places an ELC EVEN 90 can hide. Todays’ hero certainly was.

Definitely NOT to be confused with the other “Triumph of the Will”, the 1935 Nazi propaganda documentary directed by Leni Riefenstahl featuring a whole bunch of people that would get me sent to the YouTube Gulag if I were to mention them by name.

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Underestimate the AMX 13 57 at your peril. It’s small but it’s FIERCE!

In todays’ video, two players who go on to achieve greatness. One of them does it without being a dick.

I can’t see any good reason why World of Warships should have the monopoly on throwing matches!

I was tempted to create one of those clickbait thumbnails for this one, you know the sort of thing - flashy lettering giving away everything that makes the replay remarkable, like a movie trailer that gives away the whole plot of the movie. They work too, videos get a lot more views with a clickbait thumbnail, but nah, not my style. Enjoy the suspense.

Adding Insult to Injury

In what’s probably going to be the only time I ever get to make a Ghostbusters reference in a World of Tanks video, we join Gatekeeper on the Lakeville map as he searches for the Keymaster.

You know that bit in Return of the Living Dead when the zombies eat a couple of paramedics then get on the ambulance radio and say “Send more paramedics”? Yeah…

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Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright

When is a sealclubber not a sealclubber? Good question, watch and find out.

In which Nertaku tries World of Tanks in Hard Mode and plays a light tank and I show a picture of his tank with a 105mm howitzer in the thumbnail just to make him and all the other Vk28.01 drivers cry.

As the old saying goes, if you can’t take a joke you shouldn’t be playing World of Tanks.

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Okay, maybe not the best game I’ve ever seen, but I’m old and my memory’s not what it once was. Certainly the best game I can remember!

Dave’s back, and he’s running out of credit at the Luck Bank.

In which Lobstep Gaming takes no crap from anyone in this tier 9 Encounter Battle on Himmelsdorf.

Do 10,000 damage in a Tank Destroyer, win, AND survive the battle? Challenge accepted!

Remember kids, teamwork is currently a free consumable. Use it now before Wargaming figures out a way to monetise it!

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