Xbox Series S confirmation

Ah I thought we were talking about the VRAM. How much of the 10GBs is system reserved? 2GB? I feel like even 8GB would be enough for 1440p60 gaming.

Some devs seem to think it will limit them a bit.

Depends on what the game is doing. Some games can have a lot of ram usage even when the art style is potato. RTS games for example cpu/ram heavy, graphics light. But if a game is heavy in both, they might not be able dumb it down enough without breaking it.

I imagine most x games will run on s. There will be a handful of titles that just ignore the s because they just can’t be bothered or it would wreck the game to do so.

Most of my games easily reach 9-11 GB RAM usage on pc and on 1080p.

What games are you playing? Destiny 2 on 1080p144 barely crossed the 8GB mark for me.

The resolution and amount of frames are going to take up vram not ram. It’s different from game to game on how ram is used.

Some of the graphical settings in destiny do take up RAM as well as VRAM. Which is why I wrote what I wrote. But you are also right, it all depends on the game. That is why I think the devs were actually Ubisoft devs and forgot how to optimize their games pretty much everywhere, so they are worried the console can’t run their games with their garbage engines.

Streaming textures can be kept in ram and sent back to vram when needed, but that’s still unrelated to res or fps. But yeah it depends on the game. Though for gaming pcs 16gb is entry level these days. Lol it seems I actually have something entry level.

Theres a lot more shit running on a PC that are not games. That eats up a chunk of ram as well. Dunno, I feel like the series S is there for people who dont play anything else than something multiplayer. Most of the multiplayer games are just light on hardware. I mean, look at fortnite and fall guys. That gonna eat up 10GB of ram? XD

I still say you should just grab the x if you really want an xbox.

Yeah, I think the biggest issue will be third party devs trying to decide what to do. Ah well! I’ll play the games on PC and PS5 anyway.

Same…and switch lol.

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I dont think I’ll grab anything. I’m liking the cloud gaming haha

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I found the biggest lie of 2020


“Yuh-oh” for some of you if this is true.

looks at the PC


I’m good.


So much for your “I’m getting the S” talk

He plays 4d trolling.

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Sometimes I like to talk bullshit. Feels good.

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