Borderlands 3 is happening

Alright, so I guess it works? I had to bump down 2 notches to 2160p. Now, how do I get rid of slow ass texture streaming? I remember fixing it way back in the day. Also, I’m running from an nvme drive, I should not be experiencing this (mostly on ammo and ammo ui elements).

Try this one

Also, I am officially finished with Borderlands 2. Now me and my friends can start doing a 100% run in Presequel until BL3 is here.



The texture fixed worked. Also since I found out the lvl30 bump wasn’t an option actually given to you in game, just resumed my main save for the dlc. Here I go!

Beat it last night. Okish. I would only recommend to people who’ve already completed BL2 and it’s previous DLCs.

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Great start!..not


I am such a fan I am totally cool with a patched up Steam version in March :smiley: My friends are the best and because of my Epic “beliefs” they are waiting for me to play it together :smiley:

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Yeah, Epic really sucks. They want to make money from selling games on their own store. Atrocious, contemptible, ignominious and all the cool bad words I can think about!

To be honest, in this case, I’d rather wait for the Steam version than buy the Epic version. Not because Epic is bad or something, it’s because 2K will receive less $ from sales. 2K really doesn’t deserve any support from anyone.


Really cool bad words but i had to google 2 of them so good job :smiley:


Boring series zzzz. Wouldn’t buy this on any platform.

@teh_g Can I ban someone? :open_mouth:


Haha I beat the first two so I gave it a good shot.

I’ll was going to wait for steam regardless. It’ll probably be not broken by then.

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Coming 13 March



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I forget what they did to piss me off but I have it noted on my list that I need to buy this one via grey market.

Well, Epic exclusive for 6 months for one :smiley: And Randy and Gearbox and 2K can all be a reason :smiley:

Yeah, there’s not much to like on the corporate side of things.

And if you already have some problems with Gearbox here is the tip of the iceberg. They are ruining a 100% working game build for some ads. GJ

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Well, I have this game on Epic but havent bothered with the DLC’s havent finished the main game yet either lol.