Elden Ring

I’ve yet to reach him and I’m level 22 so this is awkward. Now I have to find him easy or else lol.

Why don’t you do it with a samurai, noob?

Just follow the road from limgrave. He’s right after you crossed the gate.

I made it to the gate. Then I went west and explored that area a bit. I’m still over there.

Then you are super close. I think you gonna like two-shot him

You guys are funny. You get the horse at a gate path and it’s very clear you are meant to ride up the path :laughing:

I didn’t know it was excuse time.

? It obviously means to go back and kill whatever is left to kill

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I apologize. It was the sun that made me write that

Whaaat no one tried Wretch yet? I have tried it and considering potentially just playing wretch yea its hard to start out but… it gives the best option for a intro to what you gonna get your butt kicked over and over lol

Just dropping by to say this game is still really good.

That’s a weird way to say the game is crap

Did you git gud yet? Still fighting the first boss?

I killed Margit. That’s about it for story related bosses.

The boss after him is harder but not tooooooooooooo bad.

I’ll probably grab this on PS5 after I finish Horizon

Why not PC? I never had an issue on PC. It’s solid.

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Get it on PS5 just to annoy Shifty. It’s funny.


Also, you get some goodies if you get the launch edition. Everyone likes goodies.

Like I care about goodies.