(Spoiler Free) Red Dead Redemption 2 Review (sorry for my english)

Is there no spoiler tag on this forum? Hides the text of your post so only those who click can see it.

Irish watermelon was a “Oh shit” moment for sure.

I have tried looking a few times for a spoiler tag, but I couldn’t find any.

I found an option: Open “SPOILERS”


Options --> Hide details


Surprised we never found it sooner.


Wow, thank you. Now I feel silly for not seeing it. I guess I thought hide details did something else and never clicked it.

Ok, the event I was talking about is detailed below. @Polekatt - this it?


The second Sean gets his head blown open by a gunshot is when the game breaks open on a one way ticket to crazy town. For those who haven’t beaten the game yet, this lights the fuze for the events that make up the rest of the game and sets some crazy stuff in motion. Enjoy!


Is delicious!


You learn something new everyday!

@sYnCroSis yes, that is exactly what I was referring to.


I had kept wondering if I hit the moment you were talking about. But when that happened, THEN the Braitwaith manor scene directly after that, THEN the little Jack thing, I was like, oh no, this is unmistakably it.

So thats where I am right now, in Saint Denis, just resolved little Jack and celebrated, but got sidetracked on the electric chair side quest. LOL almost hate to do the side quests now, because they seem irrevelant to the main quests matters at hand.

I had Planned to do my next Horseman challenge which was to ride from Valentine to Rhodes in 5 minutes, then the Sean thing and gunfight happened, and I was like, how would my Arthur be trying to do a timed trial at this moment with all this going on? hahah!


Lol yes to everything you said. Get ready for the ride man!

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Spoiler for Syncrosis

This game is so funny. Just had these gems of lines last night- so you know where I am now-

“this ship will drop us at Cuba.”
“is that near Tahiti?”
“…I don’t know.”

and later-

“How’d you boys get here?”
“We are going to Tahiti.”
“I think you took the scenic route.”


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Such a random unexpected turn to the game too! I liked it but was caught off guard

@sYnCroSis I finished it. amazing story. And the story part during the credits was cool, leads you right into the first RDR.


So… How many times did you cry?

“That’s the way it isssssss”

That game is on gamepass

This is probably going to be my next game. I’ve only spent about 20 minutes actually playing though.

However many months ago when I first bought it, I spent almost 2hrs tweaking settings to make it playable by my personal standards. Some settings require a restart of the game. On one of the restarts the rockstar launcher kept freezing. No fix. Luckily it was just before two hrs and I returned it.

This time around, I spent 2-3
hrs tweaking and it finally passed the benchmark at 1440p>60… but with a mix of medium and high settings. I don’t know if it’s poorly optimized or if the consoles are running everything on low/off.

Then I played for 20-30mins and then went to work. The gameplay seemed to bounce between 60 and 100fps.

Will post more later.

Funny thing is that xbox one x runs the game on 4k native 30fps stable. Looks amazing. I’m like 6 or so hours in.

Yeah. 30. Digital foundry also found none of it’s settings were ultra, and few were high.

For a game that is mostly cutscenes and walking. 30 fps is more than enough. Also, it looks pretty good. Better than what most of the AAA games deliver these days.